They say an empty mind is a devils workshop...we at tv 9 feel otherwise... we think that an empty mind is a result of an empty stomach...which in turn is a result of bad food, as a subsequent effect of bad or no cafeteria....hence, before any other facility we created a cafeteria... a terrace (big enough to for a basketball court plus audience rows) was covered up in white and green awning, tables were put up and lo and behold our cafeteria was up ... all it required was a smart food menu, coffee machine and snacks bar.
All meetings (official or otherwise) happen at the cafeteria nowadays, and its not unusual to find hot topics being debated under the guise of 'creative ideation' (whatever that may mean).
Some of the enthusiastic toilers decided to form a committee (in true Indian democracy) and decide what to put on the menu... all the foodies thought it was a great idea but the shirkers (read me) were quite eloquent about nipping the thought in the bud (imagine what they might start next... committee to start work...horror).
I guess I should shut up now, before my stomach starts growling again and I lose focus of this post ;)