Well, adhering to this universal principle of life, I have decided to change…nothing dramatic…change my priorities, change my job and change my approach to life.
My friends, well wishers, colleagues and HR advised against such a preposterous idea… what (!!!???) to change priorities …such a shame OMG, to change at such a time. But me being me, I paid no heed to them or to the winds of recession blowing in fury; I went ahead and did it.
However, the new beginning doesnt take away from the humble past, where there was learning, where there was creation where there was mingling of great minds and ideas and thoughts, where friendships were made, where expert guidance was always around.
But at the same time, I am quite excited at what the future lays in store for all of us and like the curious cat, can’t wait for opportunity to come knocking, I have decided to go looking for it, headlong into it with no planning, no option too, just vrrroom my way through with Josh and some karmic blessings, with my kaya intact and my insecurities all buttoned up without shutting up...this is my way.... YO!
I wish all the best to everyone, and take all the memories as I embark on my new beginning.